Diesel generator

/Diesel generator

Different Grades of Diesel Fuel Used in Diesel Generators

By | February 16th, 2025|Categories: Diesel generator|Tags: , |

Diesel generators use diesel of different grades including grade 1 diesel, grade 2 diesel, and winterized diesel. The type of diesel can be chosen based on the climate where you use the generator. In this blog, let’s discuss the different grades of diesel fuel used in generators and how to choose the right fuel for your [...]

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What is Data Center Redundancy? How Backup Generators Can Help?

By | May 13th, 2024|Categories: Data centre, Diesel generator, Industrial generator|

Data center generators are backup machines that supply power when the main source of power supply fails. Power disruptions such as utility grid failures, rolling blackouts, storms, natural or artificial disasters or electrical failures may have a severe effect on data centers and their applications.  Data center systems and components have to function continuously, hence the [...]

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Caterpillar Generators Buying Guide 2024

By | April 23rd, 2024|Categories: Caterpillar Diesel Generator, Diesel generator, Industrial generator|

Looking for a reliable power generation source for your workplace amidst the skyrocketing demand for generators? Yes, the sales of generators are projected to hit $29 billion by the end of 2024.  Look no further, for we bring you the top models by Caterpillar– a top player in ensuring the durability and innovation of generators. Working [...]

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Why Does a Diesel Generator Crank But Won’t Start?

By | January 30th, 2024|Categories: Diesel generator, Used Diesel Generator|

Regardless of how much humans ignore their own hearts, the same cannot be said for the cherished mechanisms propelling their essential work. Still, the engine, the heart of the diesel generator, is not immune to issues.  Basic knowledge of the obvious problems of engines and the ability to combat them with solutions has the potential to [...]

How to Prevent Diesel Fuel Contamination?

By | August 20th, 2023|Categories: Diesel fuel, Diesel generator, Generator Maintenance|

If you operate any machinery that runs on diesel, fuel contamination can pose a serious threat to them. Microbial contamination, also known as the Diesel Bug, can not only reduce the performance of the fuel but also affect the internal components of your machinery, which can lead to costly repairs.    This blog will walk you through [...]

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Big Generators: How does it work? [with 7 Industrial Applications]

By | June 8th, 2023|Categories: Diesel generator, Industrial generator|

A generator serves as a standby source of electrical power that typically operates during an outage or interruption to the main power supply. The lack of a reliable generator in place can lead to a significant loss of revenue for companies across industries. It can also put the safety of its staff and customers at risk. [...]

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Top 10 1000 kw Generators for Sale

By | April 29th, 2023|Categories: 1000 kw Generators, Diesel generator|

When running a commercial unit, the last thing you want is a power outage or disruption of power due to unforeseen circumstances. It could have a cascading impact on your business, amounting to a loss of thousands of dollars. This is why organizations across the US rely on diesel generators for alternate power so that their [...]

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Top 5 1500 kw Generators for Sale

By | April 26th, 2023|Categories: Cummins generator, Diesel generator, Industrial generator, Used Diesel Generator|

Commercial and industrial diesel generators are the heroes behind keeping critical operations and businesses powered even during emergency situations. Over the years, diesel generators have become technologically advanced, going past whatever shortcomings they would have had earlier. Today, they come with a long shelf life with minimum maintenance costs. Not just that, they are reliable, durable, [...]

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Top 10 350 kw Generators for Sale 2024

By | April 26th, 2023|Categories: Diesel generator, Used Diesel Generator|

Today’s business landscape is such that you need a continuous power supply in order to meet your business and production needs. This is why diesel generators that are reliable, powerful, cost-effective and robust have become such an integral part of any business unit. Their presence means that your business will never have to face any stoppage [...]

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The Shelf Life of Diesel Fuel. How to Manage and Extend the Shelf Life?

By | January 19th, 2023|Categories: Diesel fuel, Diesel generator|

You might be startled to hear that the stored diesel life is less extensive than you thought if you buy a backup diesel-fueled power generator for emergencies. It is vital to consider diesel storage in order to be equipped for unforeseen power outages when your generator eventually kicks in. What could you do to guarantee your [...]

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