You never know when disaster can strike your home. Bad weather or a natural disaster such as a tornado or hurricane can knock out power for hours and even days. Without power, there’s no way to save the food in your refrigerator, keep the furnace or AC running and keep the lights on.

A generator can save you from all these issues and give you safety and protection when the power goes off. There are many types of generators out there, but you want to buy a diesel generator. They have many benefits over the other varieties, and we’ll show you why.

What Types of Generators Are Available?

If it can power an engine, then it can power a generator. The most common types are diesel and gas generators, but you can also find solar-powered and propane as well. When it comes to reliably power a home, solar power isn’t a great option.

It’s silent running and low carbon footprint makes it seem ideal, but it doesn’t have the staying power that other generators have and can’t handle the electricity load. It might take care of the necessities, but not some of the other aspects that you want.

Gas and propane use similar methods to create electricity, but that can’t compare with the efficiency of diesel.

Why Should You Buy Diesel Generator? It’s Cost-Effective

Generators, in general, are a major investment. They require not only the initial expense of buying and setting it up but also fuel and periodic maintenance. You want a generator that can keep the lights on during the worst of storms and won’t cost you an arm and a leg to run and maintain.

Diesel generators are more cost-effective than gas and propane generators. In addition to the price of the fuel, the generators don’t need as much maintenance as the other types and they last longer on less fuel.

It’s not only homes that require generators. Many construction sites don’t have access to electricity, especially if it’s new construction in the middle of nowhere. They must bring in large portable generators to power tools, lights and other machinery.

What makes it a great fit is many of the machinery also runs on diesel, so they don’t need to have a separate storage tank for gasoline or propane. They can have a single tank that can run everything.

They’re saving on the cost of a storage tank and the time and trouble of refilling it with a different type of fuel. Construction sites must fit many things into a small space, so saving the space of a separate storage tank is a boon for them.

I’ve Heard Diesel Generators Needs Lots of Maintenance

There was a time long ago when diesel generators got a bad reputation for needing expensive maintenance, but those days are long gone.

Through the years, the formulation of diesel has changed, and technology has improved to make it one of the most efficient and powerful generators available. In earlier models, there was a heavier maintenance cost and they were very noisy.

Technology has lowered the noise levels of diesel and lowered the cost and frequency of maintenance. One of the biggest problems in earlier generations of diesel generators was the use of spark plugs and spark wires to ignite the fuel. Today, they use autoignition and there is no need for sparking.

When compared to gas generators, diesel is the clear maintenance winner. Gas needs maintenance every 6,000 to 10,000 hours. Diesel can go as much as 12,000 to 30,000 hours without requiring significant maintenance.

Keep in mind that upkeep is not the same as maintenance. All generators tend to sit unused for many weeks or even months without use. They’re good to have when an emergency strikes, but the rest of the time they sit idle.

You need someone to come out once or twice a year to clean it and keep it in tip-top shape for when the need arises. All generators regardless of the power source need the regular checkup.

Diesel Is the Powerhouse of Generators

Generators can take a lot of punishment over the years, but diesel handles it better than anything else. Gas generators tend to generate a lot of heat and lowers the lifetime. This isn’t the case with diesel.

In fact, the cost of running a diesel generator using the cost of fuel per kilowatt-hour is 30 to 50 percent less than gas.

Everyone wants something that can stand the test of time and last longer with fewer fuel refills. Thanks to the advancement of technology, diesel is the best choice for a generator on the market.

Diesel Comes in Several Different Sizes

We talked about how diesel generators are good for construction sites, but they are great for almost any situation from backup home power to commercial and industrial.

A generator that creates 5-30 kilowatts of electricity should be more than enough to handle most home backup power systems.

Higher output generators can work on higher load commercial properties and even hospitals and other large-scale industries. Don’t discount a diesel generator just because your industry requires a high electrical output.

A diesel generator is more than up for the challenge. There is the perfect size available for your home or business, so choose the one that covers your power needs, but not so large it far exceeds them.

Choose Diesel Because It’s the Best

You have many types of generators you can choose to help power your home or business. We hope we’ve convinced you to buy diesel generator because it’s the best of everything that available. When it comes to efficiency, cost and ruggedness nothing can compare with diesel.

If you want to learn more about diesel generators and how they can help with your power needs, then please feel free to explore our site. There are many resources available to you and we’re always open to questions.