Diesel generators use diesel of different grades including grade 1 diesel, grade 2 diesel, and winterized diesel. The type of diesel can be chosen based on the climate where you use the generator. In this blog, let’s discuss the different grades of diesel fuel used in generators and how to choose the right fuel for your generator.
Table of contents
- Different grades of diesel fuel used in generators
- How to choose the right fuel for your generator
Different grades of diesel fuel used in generators
Grade 1 Diesel
- It has less density or low viscosity meaning it is thin and flows easily.
- As it is more resistant to gelling, it is suitable for colder climates.
- As it is more volatile than grade 2 diesel, it ignites more quickly and burns easily.
- Cetane rating: Grade 1 diesel cetane content is greater than grade 2.
- Viscosity: Grade 1 diesel has a lower viscosity than grade 2 diesel.
- Paraffin: Grade 1 diesel is free from paraffin which is wax content that thickens the fuel during cold weather.
- Energy components: Grade 1 has very few energy contents when compared to grade 2 diesel.
- Expense: Grade 1 diesel is more costlier than grade 2 diesel.
Usage & Benefits
- Grade 1 diesel is more suitable for cold climatic conditions as it flows more freely even in colder temperatures.
- Even in cold weather, grade 1 diesel is less likely to gel.
- Grade 1 diesel contains extra lubricants and additives to make it more effective.
Grade 2 Diesel
- Because of its high density or thickness, it flows less effectively making it less suitable for colder temperatures.
- It is less volatile than grade 1 which means it burns very slowly and provides good fuel efficiency.
- Grade 2 diesel is highly preferred when gelling is not a concern.
- It is a standard diesel which is commonly used in diesel engines. You can get grade 2 diesel in gas stations which is less costlier than grade 1 diesel.
Energy density: Grade 2 diesel has more energy efficiency than any other type of diesel meaning it offers more power to diesel engines.
Cetane rating: Cetane rating is lower than grade 1 making it less volatile and easy to ignite.
Viscosity: Grade 2 diesel is thicker than grade 1 which gives starting trouble in vehicles during cold weather.
Additives: Grade 2 diesel has fewer additives than diesel 1, but it still has some additives to avoid wax accumulation.
Sulfur content: Grade 2 diesel has low sulfur content which is also called Ultra-low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), meaning it contains 15 ppm or parts per million sulfur or less than that.
- The grade 2 diesel is commonly used in trucks as it is less volatile and provides better fuel efficiency.
- Grade 2 diesel is also called highway diesel as it is used in on-road vehicles.
Winterized diesel
- It is a blend of grade 1 diesel and grade 2 diesel, making it a medium-grade between the two grades.
- It doesn’t have many drawbacks as it balances the cost and capabilities of grade 1 and grade 2.
- Winterized diesel is treated with additives as it prevents the diesel from gelling during cold weather.
- Additives contained in the winterized diesel will change the diesel’s low-temperature properties which means it prevents the formation of wax crystals during cold temperatures.
- Winterized diesel is also called alpine diesel or winter diesel.
Usage and Benefits
- Winterized fuels prevent fuel gelling that causes fuel starvation, power loss, and engine stalling.
- It helps to start the engines in the cold weather.
- It prevents sludging and filter plugging.
- It helps to clean injectors in new vehicle models.
- It can be used all around the year and in all seasons, especially during winter.
Which diesel fuel is suitable for your generator?
The best diesel fuel for your generator depends on the generator you use, generator operations, and climatic conditions. The local fuel suppliers will provide you with the right type of diesel suitable for your diesel generator. It is always important to make informed decisions, so consult the local fuel supplier or feel free to discuss with our expert today.