Industrial portable generators typically have fuel tanks ranging from 20 to 50 gallons. Fuel consumption for industrial generators can range from 2 to 10 gallons per hour. Refueling an industrial portable generator is associated with certain risks. While it is a good idea to ensure that the generator caters to the demands of the clients, there are a few factors to consider. Here is a detailed discussion of whether you can and the extent to which you should refuel a running industrial portable generator.

Safety Considerations

  • Fire Hazard: The primary problem with refueling a generator while it’s running is the risk of fire. Generators operate at high temperatures, and fuel is highly flammable. Spilling fuel on a hot engine can lead to ignition, causing fires or explosions.
  • Fuel Vapors: Refueling generates fuel vapors, which can be ignited by the heat of the generator or any nearby spark. This is particularly dangerous in enclosed or poorly ventilated areas where vapors can accumulate.
  • Burn Injuries: Handling fuel around a running generator exposes you to the risk of burns from the hot engine parts. Additionally, spills can cause skin irritation or chemical burns.

Manufacturer Guidelines

The majority of generator producers find it dangerous to refuel generators in operation and, thus, discourage the practice. This is a standard to avoid the occurrence of an accident. Manufacturers always have guidelines for individual models of the generator, so you should always consult the manufacturer’s manual.

Steps for Safe Refueling

The safety steps to minimize risks are:

  • Turn Off the Generator: It is recommended that you always switch off the generator and allow it to cool for about 10-15 minutes, and then you can proceed to refuel. This minimizes the chances of fuel coming into contact with hot parts of the car and engine components.
  • Use Proper Containers: Transport and store fuel in approved and labeled containers intended for storing gasoline or Diesel. Do not use containers of low quality that are likely to cause leakage of the products they are used to store.
  • Refuel in a Well-Ventilated Area: Make sure that you are in well-ventilated areas to avoid the risk of the accumulation of the fuel vapors. Outdoors is the safest option due to the fact that there would be no contact with any source of ignition.
  • Avoid Overfilling: Similar to car products, fill the tank slowly and ensure that it does not overfill, as this leads to spills.
  • Clean Up Spills Immediately: Always avoid spills, but if this happens, ensure that you wipe off the fuel and that the place is dry before you switch on the generator again.

Alternative Solutions

To avoid the need to refuel while the generator is running, consider these alternatives:

  • It is recommended that you use a generator that has a large fuel tank to help with the longevity of its use before having to refuel again. This decreases the rate at which it will require fuel again.
  • In case constant power is required, it is possible to connect two generators concurrently. This enables you to shut down one for refueling without affecting the ongoing operations of the other one.
  • An automatic transfer switch means that the power load can easily be transferred to the second generator or any other power source when another generator is being refueled.

Expert Recommendations

From the opinions of specialists and requirements described in, the precaution that must be taken every time is not to refuel a generator while it is running. Safety comes first to avoid risks that might lead to injury, damage, and wear and tear of the equipment.

Get Expert Advice From Central States Diesel Generators 

Refueling an industrial portable generator while it’s running is full of risks that outweigh the benefits. By following safety protocols, turning off the generator, and considering alternative solutions, you can maintain a safe operating environment and avoid potential hazards. For more detailed information and expert advice on generator safety and maintenance, rely on trusted resources like, which provide valuable insights, recommendations and guidelines.

Common Questions about Industrial Portable Generators

Q1. Can industrial portable generators run continuously?

Yes, but they require regular maintenance and refueling.

Q2. What fuel types are commonly used?

Diesel, gasoline, and natural gas are commonly used.

Q3. Are industrial portable generators noisy?

They can be noisy, but some models have noise-reduction features.